Looking for something you want in store but can't find the size or style you're after? Our in-store team can order the item/s you need from our warehouse and have it delivered to your door via our Store-to-Door service.
How do I place an order?
- Let our team in-store know which product/s you are after.
- Our team will then confirm that the product you need is available in our warehouse and take payment.
- We'll then deliver your purchase to your door!
How will my purchase be sent to me?
All orders are shipped from our warehouse using standard shipping within 2-3 business days. Please visit our Delivery page for shipping times.
Can I change the shipping method?
No, we're unable to offer international or express shipping.
Do I need to pay extra to use this service?
No, there are no additional charges for orders placed using our store-to-door service.
How do I return or exchange items received via Store to Door?
Items purchased via Store to Door are considered online purchases. Please see Returns & Exchanges for details of our returns policy.